Sunday, April 30, 2006

More on milk thistle...

Milk thistle is commonly found growing wild in a variety of settings, including roadsides. The Latin name of milk thistle is Silybum marianum. The seeds of the dried flower are most often used for herbal healing purposes. Milk thistle's active ingredient is a flavonoid called Silymarin, an antioxidant said to protect liver cells from toxins. Sylimarin apparently promotes liver cell protein synthesis and decreases the oxidation of glutathione.

Milk thistle is believed to protect and regenerate the liver in most liver conditions such as Cirrhosis, Jaundice, Hepatitis, and Cholangitis. It may be one of the best examples of preventative treatment that we have today as it not only seems to protect each cell of the liver from incoming toxins, but simultaneously encourages the liver to cleanse itself of damaging substances, such as alcohol, drugs, medications, mercury and heavy metals, pesticides, and even the most poisonous of mushrooms, the Amanita. (Please note: NEVER knowingly eat an Amanita.
This single, widespread species of mushroom is solely responsible for the majority of fatal and otherwise serious mushroom poisoning cases, worldwide as well as in North America.)

Milk thistle is wonderful and appropriate for anyone who is under stress, uses alcohol, recreational drugs, prescription medications, or lives in today's modern times of pesticides, environmental toxins, and pollution--virtually every person in a developed nation.

One of the special qualities of milk thistle is that it apparently cleanses and detoxifies an overburdened and stagnant liver while also being able to strengthen and tonify a weak liver; thus delivering potent help to clogs and deficiencies. One of the tasks of the liver is to cleanse the blood. If the liver energy is stagnant it will be unable to effectively cleanse the blood; this can contribute to skin problems ranging from acne to psoriasis and eczema. Milk thistle is a powerful herb used to support the liver to purify the blood and is said to be of the best herbs for the skin disorders mentioned above. It is also often used for for treating congestion of the kidneys, spleen, and pelvic region.

The Bowels:

Milk thistle is a gentle and mild laxative due to its ability to increase bile secretion and flow in the intestinal tract. This herb can have actions ranging from lubrication and softening of the stools to a mild laxative effect, to actually balancing individuals that alternate between diarrhea and constipation.


Milk thistle is also a demulcent, meaning that it soothes and moistens the mucus membranes, kidney and bladder irritations and inflammations in general. Being a demulcent, it also greatly softens and moistens the skin. Patients with skin problems ranging from acne to severe eczema have reported a clearing of skin impurities, healing of redness and inflammation, a dramatic softening and moistening of dry, cracking skin, and a noticeable glow and radiance to the skin quality.

Liver Disease - Hepatitis and Beyond:

Milk thistle has been found in recent years to be a major player in the treatment of liver disease, because it is said to help lower enzyme levels and facilitate the liver in its process of detoxifying the body. Among all known herbal remedies, milk thistle finds its place as the leader in herbs to treat liver disease. Health care providers have often prescribed milk thistle for hepatitis (to keep down inflammation), cirrhosis (to soften the liver), liver cancer (to aid in detoxification), and many dysfunctions of the gall bladder. It also seems to help protect the liver for those individuals that are taking prescription medications known to elevate liver enzymes.

Gall Bladder Disease:

Because milk thistle is both a demulcent and stimulates bile flow, it is a natural to use for a wide array of gall bladder diseases and symptoms. Milk thistle can calm down an inflamed gall bladder while at the same time helping to clear out any stagnation that might be present. When using milk thistle to combat gall bladder symptoms, it is important to verify that there are no gallstones present which would be too large for the gall bladder to pass. The only way that this can be known is to visit your personal physician or health care provider for verification.


Silymarin is the key constituent in milk thistle seed. Silymarin is a flavonoid composed of 4 isomers: silybinin, silychristin, silydianin, isosilybinin. Silymarin is only soluble in alcohol (not water), thus making an alcohol extract the preferred medium of extraction. Much research has been done on silymarin and at this time the only known source is the milk thistle seed.

Side Effects:

There are no known contra-indications to milk thistle supplements. There is, however, a caution for HIV patients, because many medications taken by individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, such as protease inhibitors and non-nukes are processed by the liver enzyme CYP3A4 which is decreased by Silymarin. If milk thistle is taken by someone using protease inhibitors or non-nukes, it has the potential to raise levels of these drugs. This should not be a concern as long as levels of these drugs are monitored closely and dosage is adjusted to reach the desired levels.

Side effects from milk thistle happen only rarely, but may include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, rash or other skin reactions, joint pain, impotence, and anaphylaxis. The last two reactions listed are extremely rare.

Milk thistle (just like most other herbal substances) should probably not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, though historically milk thistle has been said to increase milk flow in lactating mothers, and no harmful effects have been found so far.


Hepatoprotective: Protects liver cells from incoming toxins, thereby also allowing it to more effectively process and release toxins that are already built up in the system.

Hepatotonic: Strengthens the liver to function more effectively.

Demulcent: Soothes and moistens. Used for both kidney and bladder irritations, as well as mucous membranes and inflammations of the skin and integumentary system.

Laxative: Mildly lubricates the bowels.

Got Milk Thistle?

Milk Thistle: Effects on Liver Disease and Cirrhosis and Clinical Adverse Effects:
Summary of Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 21

Read this abstract studying milk thistle and its possible benefits for your liver(let me warn you, it's long!)

As soon as we find a quality source that we're 100% happy with, we will be offering milk thistle on our website,

This photo of the milk thistle bloom is by Benjamin Pfeiffer.
You can see lots of his awesome photos here.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

It Can't Hurt...

"Known by many as the ultimate detoxifier, essiac can help strengthen the immune system making it effective against: hypoglycemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, ulcers, thyroid problems, prostate and urinary problems, hemorrhoids, AIDS, fibroids, circulation, diabetes, malignancies, lupus, sleeping disorders, psoriasis, impotence, Alzheimer's, asthma and allergies."

...from the Village Herbalist, Issue No. 7, Summer 1994

Old Ontario Remedies

In July 1991, the Canadian Journal of Herbalism published an article, "Old Ontario Remedies," about essiac. The article gives specific information on the ingredients of essiac and includes descriptions of the herbs. Sheep's sorrel, for example, is a folk remedy for tumors.

The article also warns of high oxalic acid content in two of the herbs making the remedy not recommended for persons with kidney ailments or arthritic conditions.

This article concludes: "Essiac is not a hoax or fraud. To hear experiences described by the patients themselves cannot help but convince observers that dramatic and beneficial changes definitely took place in many but not all those who received the remedy. Although the focus on essiac has been as a cancer treatment, it alleviated and sometimes cured many chronic and degenerative conditions because it cleanses the blood as well as the liver and strengthens the immune system."

Friday, April 28, 2006

essiac for pets


Essiac for pets is safe and can help improve their health and quality of life.
Using essiac for pets is an idea whose time has come. Let me explain why.

Domestic pets are becoming increasingly likely to suffer from some form of cancer in their lifetime. Almost half of all pets in North America over the age of 10 will develop cancer.

Although the causes are not all certain, most are likely to be found from the environment: pesticides, pet food preservatives, second-hand smoke, improper diet, and lack of exercise all contribute to poor pet health and may be responsible for the increase in diseases like cancer.

In addition, pets (like humans) can develop debilitating conditions such as arthritis, which can cause your well-loved family pet considerable pain and suffering, and limit their ability to get proper exercise, possibly leading to premature death.

Treating your pet for cancer or other serious diseases can be costly. A growing number of veterinarians and pet owners are turning to more cost-effective alternative and complementary treatments. Among the supplements being used is essiac, for many of the the same reasons it is used by humans. Essiac for pets is not dangerous and is just as safe for dogs, cats, and other animals is it is for humans.

Essiac for pets may help their health by:

* Building the immune system by increasing production of antibodies.

* Helping the body to destroy benign growths and tumors.

* Protecting cells against free radicals.

* Strengthening muscles, organs, and tissues.

* Removing toxic accumulation in the body, including heavy metals and other environmental toxins.

* Aiding in bowel detoxification and elimination.

* Adding strength and flexibility to bones, joints, and lungs.

* Purifying the blood.

Disease Prevention

The best treatment is always prevention. To help ensure your pet stays healthy, follow these simple steps:

* Provide regular veterinary examinations to detect any disease or problems early.

* Provide your pet with a healthy diet. Avoid foods with chemical additives.

* Get your pet plenty of exercise.

* Give your pet plenty of fresh, clean water.

* Avoid using chemical cleaners and sprays in the home. Natural cleaning products are better for all of us.

* Avoid exposing your pet to second-hand cigarette smoke.

* Avoid using pesticides and lawn chemicals where your pet plays.

* Give your pet plenty of love and attention.

*Use essiac for pets daily to help build your pet's immune system and cleanse toxins from its body.


Essiac for pets dosages vary with the size of your pet, and range from 1/2oz to 2oz of tea per day. Some very large dogs can take 3oz or more. We recommend the following dosages and products, according to your pet's weight:

Weight Dosage

Up to 15 lbs 1/2 oz of tea per day

15 to 40 lbs 1/2 oz of tea, twice per day

40 - 80 lbs 1 oz of tea, twice per day

Over 80 lbs 2-3 oz of tea, twice per day

You should brew essiac for pets in exactly the same way as if you were brewing the tea for a human.

A note on dosage: as a guide for treating animals, it is best to assess the dosage according to their weight. A cat weighing eleven pounds is doing well on 1/2 oz. daily, while a large and heavy dog of 120 pounds would need an adult dose of 3 oz. daily.

With that said, the best results we have seen with essiac for pets have been with animals who had a much larger dose than these recommended doses. We feel that the best hope for good results is to increase the dose as much as possible.

One issue with large doses for pets is the amount of Rhubarb they end up ingesting. Rhubarb is a laxative, and that is perhaps the main reason it is needed in essaic. In the earliest years of the 20th century, chemotherapy treatments tended to cause constipation, but that is not the case anymore. Dogs have much shorter digestive systems than humans, and they are much more susceptible to diarrhea. A larger dose of essiac for pets must be balanced against the amount that can be taken without causing the pet to have diarrhea. One way to decide what the dose for a pet ought to be is to increase the amount very gradually, until they get diarrhea and then back off to the previous dose. If the diarrhea does not subside with smaller and smaller doses, discontinue the use of essiac.

Methods of Administering Essiac for Pets

There are a couple of ways to administer essiac to your pet. One way is to mix the tea with your pet’s favorite broth - chicken, fish, beef, etc. Use just enough broth to disguise the taste so that they will take the dose. Feed them using an eye dropper (cats and small dogs) or a turkey baster (larger dogs). This is the preferred method, because the tea is not diluted in any way, and is administered directly. Although it is recommended to give your pet essiac one hour before or two hours after a meal, many people have also had success mixing it right in the pet's food.

Another way is to simply mix the tea in the pet's water. You will probably have to experiment to see which way works best for you. Some pets may not like the taste of essiac mixed in with their water or food. (Our dog Larry seems to love the stuff, however, and will lick up any essiac powder that makes it to the floor…)

If you discover another way that works for you, please tell us! Here is a suggestion from one user that really works:

“I began giving my dog the essiac mixed with a warm chicken or beef broth. She soon tired of this and refused to take it. I purchased a large syringe from a farm supply store, mixed up a new batch of tea, and gave it to her by pulling her cheek back and squeezing it gently into her mouth. To this batch of tea, I added 3 drops of Stevia (per 1/2oz of tea) to sweeten it and I gave it to her cold without broth to reduce the amount of the liquid. It worked well, and she is now drinking it out of a bowl. I put the bowl down and walk away. She always drinks it. If I stay and watch, she won't drink it. Hope this helps someone else.” - V, Ontario, Canada

You should bear in mind that giving your pet essiac will make them thirstier, therefore make sure they have plenty of water available. This will have a secondary beneficial effect on their health, by making them drink plenty of water.

Essiac for pets is safe, but as with any supplement, it must be used thoughtfully and in moderation.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Goose Befriends Elderly Man With Cancer

A northern Idaho man diagnosed with terminal cancer says a usually
cantankerous goose that befriended him on his walks has helped him
live past doctors' predictions.

"I'm 73," Bill Lytle, a two-time state legislator, told the Coeur
d'Alene Press. "And I'm not ready to die."

After retiring as project manager for the Bunker Hill Mining company,
Lytle and his wife of 52 years, Myrna, moved to Coeur d'Alene, where
Bill became one of the founding members of a walking club called the
Lake City Striders.

Then last fall his skin turned yellow overnight, and doctors diagnosed
pancreatic cancer, giving Lytle only months to live. But Lytle
continued his walks, having to cut them down to two miles at a nearby
lake, where he met the goose who has inspired him to keep going even
when he wasn't feeling well.

"I have to keep walking or I won't make my next December," Lytle said.

The goose, called Mr. Waddles, is a feral domestic goose, a biologist
with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game said, offering no
explanation for the relationship that has developed between the goose
and Lytle. Myrna has thought about that as well.

"I wonder, why would that one goose attach himself to Bill?" she said.
"I think he knows he's sick. I think animals can sense that."

The goose, about 30 pounds with a red beak and red feet, approaches
Lytle when he calls and rubs its head against his arms. But it snaps
at anyone else who gets too close, including Myrna, their daughter,
and Bill's hospice aide.

"Sometimes he walks around me, sometimes he walks beside me," Lytle
said of the near-daily meetings the two have. "I rub his neck, and the
top of his head and down to his back. Every time I came down, he just
kept coming out. I think it's pretty nice, that he'd always come to

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ginger and Pepper fight Cancer?

Cancers of the ovaries and pancreas are two of the most dangerous malignancies known to medicine, but they may both face formidable foes in an unlikely form: ginger root and pepper. According to research conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, compounds found in both plant foods can help kill cancerous cells. Researchers have found in the laboratory setting that ginger appears to kill ovarian cancer cells to which it has been exposed, while the pepper compound capsaicin targets pancreatic cancer cells. Public health officials estimate that ovarian cancer is responsible for 16,000 deaths nationwide each year, while pancreatic cancer claims an additional 31,000 lives.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

essiac FAQs


“What is essiac?”

Essiac is an herbal formula tea made from eight powdered herbs - Turkey Rhubarb, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm Bark, Burdock, Watercress, Kelp, Red Clover, and Blessed Thistle. The herbs are harvested, powdered, and mixed according to the Rene Caisse formula given to Dr Charles Brusch and passed on to the Paulhus family. The powdered mix is then decocted into a "tea" and consumed daily.

“Is essiac safe for me to use?”

Unlike most traditional cancer treatments, the current information on essiac has shown no known side-effects. Sometimes, when people first take it they experience mild nausea or slight diarrhea. This is mostly due to the body being somewhat detoxified upon initial use of essiac. Generally, the nausea can be relieved by simply reducing the dosage until the feeling disappears. The essiac dosage may then be gradually increased as tolerated.

Our essiac blend is manufactured solely from organic, pesticide-free herbs, and is mixed just before it’s shipped, to provide the high potency and freshness. Our formula contains no chemicals or additives The herbs are carefully measured and mixed, to ensure each and every batch is of consistent strength and quality.

Although evidence of essiac's effectiveness is not proven by FDA clinical tests (as it is a dietary supplement, not a drug), many people believe it has helped them improve their health and quality of life.

“Why would I want to take essiac?”

Most people take essiac (in an aggressive dose) as an alternative (complementary or supplementary) treatment to conventional cancer treatment. Some take it because they have studied the available information on essiac, and believe it reduces the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation. The decision on whether to combine essiac use with traditional treatments is up to each individual. There is no evidence that essiac interferes with other pharmaceutical or natural treatments. In many cases, essiac seems to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and can complement other natural remedies. Please inform your health care provider if you decide to use essiac (or anything else) as a supplemental treatment.

Some people mainly take essiac (in a maintenance dose) as a daily supplement to promote general overall well-being, or as a preventive measure against many forms of disease, possibly due to its immune system-enhancing properties. Many people administer essiac to their pets, believing it reduces the agony of arthritis and extends the life (and improves the quality of life) of pets with terminal cancer. See our "Pets" page for more details.

“Isn’t all essiac the same?”

Although many of the formulas that claim to be "essiac" are similar, they are NOT all the same. False claims and misleading information on essiac about which is the "true/original" formula, and wildly different pricing and packaging structures, have made it hard for consumers to know what they are buying.

Also, products called “essiac” in the following forms are not believed to be effective:

*Pills or capsules

*Tea bags

*Pre-brewed and bottled liquids

*Four-herb formulas

We only sell the original eight-herb formula tested by Dr. Brusch in his Boston clinic, after he was given this recipe by Rene M. Caisse. We believe this is the most effective formula available today, and our manufacturer has had great success with this formula over the past fourteen years.

Please call John at 919-357-5359 if you have any questions not answered here or need more information on essiac, whether it is ordering, brewing, or using.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

essiac and spastic colitis...a testimonial

The tale of...Shari

"I am 46 and was first diagnosed with 'spastic colitis' when I was 15. About five years ago, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and began to take a type of herbal tea called essiac, which is rumored to work miracles in cancer patients. He suggested we all start to take it. After all, if it can supposedly cure cancer, perhaps it can also prevent it. Two weeks after I began to take the essiac, I noticed a dramatic improvement in my own condition. There was much less pain and diarrhea. I experimented with going off the essiac, and my symptoms returned."

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Is essiac tea an herbal remedy for me?


What is this herbal remedy called essiac tea?

Essiac tea is the one of the most popular alternative treatments used by cancer patients, of all alternative remedies for cancer. If you are looking for a natural organic herbal remedy to enhance your cancer care regimen, essiac would be a good first try.

Essiac tea has been used for many years as a remedy to alleviate the side effects of cancer treatments and to treat cancer itself.

The word essiac has become a generic name for a herbal tea commonly used by cancer patients and those suffering from other ailments. This tea is made up of eight different herbs in a specific combination, although the original formula only called for four herbs. The tea is believed to have originated with the Ojibwa (Ojibwe or Ojibway) Indians.

Rene Caisse (Canada's "Cancer Nurse") spent much of her adult life treating cancer patients along with her childhood friend, Mary McPherson. She discovered and developed this herb tea ("essiac" is just "caisse" spelled backwards) in her own clinic, and used it until she died in 1978 at the age of 91. Many of the patients she treated for cancer reported they were miraculously cured by using the tea, while others claimed that essiac relieved the pain and agony of cancer and made their lives living with cancer much more bearable.

When Rene Caisse presented her essiac and her proof of its effectiveness to the Canadian medical society of the time, several doctors were so impressed by the results that they petitioned the Government in 1938 to pass a bill to "authorize Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario in the treatment of Cancer and conditions resulting there from".

The Bill failed to pass by a slim margin. Soon after, a Legislative Assembly passed "An Act For The Investigation Of Remedies For Cancer", by which Rene would be forced to reveal her formula for the herbal tea. Instead, Rene closed her clinic, later re-opening it at the request of the Canadian Minister of Health. From then on, she was only allowed to treat cancer patients certified as terminal by their doctors.

Rene Caisse kept the formula a secret all those years, worried that it would be exploited. Finally, right before she died, she signed the formula over to a Canadian company named Resperin, with hopes that it would clinically studied and confirmed (which Resperin failed to do) and made available to all people. Rene Caisse also worked with Dr. Charles Brusch of Massachusetts, who was the personal physician of John F. Kennedy.

Sadly, Resperin failed in the manufacture of their "ORIGINAL RECIPE" Essiac. The essiac manufactured by Resperin was of very poor quality. Customers felt that Resperin could not possibly be using the correct formula. Today, Resperin no longer manufactures essiac.

Our essiac tea formula comes directly from a recipe given to Dr. Brusch by Rene Caisse in the 1960's. We have the documentation to prove it.

Essiac Information:

Essiac has become a generic name for a herbal tea that is today's most popular alternative treatment for cancer. Essiac was originally a herbal tea attributed to Canadian nurse Rene M. Caisse (pronounced "reen-case") of Bracebridge Ontario, Canada, who claimed that the formula came from a Native Ojibwa medicine man. She named it after the backward spelling of her own last name.

Many users of essiac believe that essiac can and does improve the body's ability to fight cancer, and that essiac is effective for reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Users have reported that with a reduction in chemotherapy and/or radiation side effects, they are much better able to handle the full course of their treatments without interruption or delay.

Fresh essiac is best. We have some of the freshest, made from organic herbs hand-selected by our supplier. We hand-package each order and ship it to you as quickly as possible.

Essiac tea has been used as a herbal remedy for years.

Foods that fight cancer

Nutrient-rich foods are packed with compounds that protect your cells from the type of damage that can lead to cancerous mutations. While all fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains are beneficial, the following foods are especially recommended for their cancer-fighting properties:

Fruits: Red and purple grapes and grape juice, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.
Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, mustard greens, collard greens, chicory, Swiss chard, tomatoes, and garlic.
Beans: Lentils, soybeans, and peas.
Whole grains: Brown rice, whole wheat, oatmeal, air-popped popcorn, wild rice, kasha, and tabbouleh.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The eight herbs in essiac


The original four herbs in the formula consist of Burdock root, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel, and Turkish rhubarb:

Burdock root (Arctium lappa): Cleansing, strengthening.This root is a staple of Japanese and nutritive macrobiotic diets; Hoxsey tonic; anti-mutagen.

Slippery Elm Bark (Ulmus fulva):feeds, soothes, strengthens mucous membranes; lubricates bones & joints; dissolves excess mucous deposited in organs, tissue, lymph glands, nerve channels; eases wastes through alimentary canal. Slippery/slimy when chewed.

Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella):Relieves inflammation; stimulates defenses; cleansing, strengthening; breaks down tissue masses and other deposits that are foreign to the body; contains high levels of vitamins and minerals."Spring greens", traditional source of vitamins and minerals, partly due to concentration from cooking.

Turkish Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum):Contains vitamins and minerals; stimulates stomach and associated organs; known cathartic.

The following four herbs are also added to the essiac formula:

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale):Oral cleanser, toner, and strengthener of mucous membranes.

Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus)Antibiotic properties; stimulates and cleanses digestive system.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense):Nutritious; cleanses and soothes lungs and air passages; stimulates digestive organs; soothes inflamed joints

Kelp (Laminaria digitata):Contains important minerals; contains "algin", an intestinal toxin scavenger; blood cleanser

Thursday, April 20, 2006

What are the possible benefits of essiac?


Essiac tea has been said to have the following health benefits and therapeutic activity:

1. Prevents the buildup of excess fatty deposits in artery walls, heart, kidney and liver.

2. Regulates cholesterol levels by transforming sugar and fat into energy.

3. Destroys parasites in the digestive system and throughout the body.

4. Essiac tea helps to counteract the effects of aluminum, lead and mercury poisoning.

5. Strengthens and tightens muscles, organs and tissues.

6. Makes bones, joints, ligaments, lungs, and membranes strong and flexible, consequently less vulnerable to stress or stress injuries.

7. Nourishes and stimulates the brain and nervous system.

8. Promotes the absorption of fluids in the tissues.

9. Removes toxic accumulations in the fat, lymph, bone marrow, bladder, and alimentary canals.

10. Neutralizes acids, absorbs toxins in the bowel, and eliminates both.

11. Clears the respiratory channels by dissolving and expelling mucus.

12. Relieves the liver of its burden of detoxification by converting fatty toxins into water-soluble substances that can then be easily eliminated through the kidneys.

13. Assists the liver to produce lecithin, which forms part of the myelin sheath, a white fatty material that encloses nerve fibers.

14. Reduces, perhaps eliminates, heavy metal deposits in tissues (especially those surrounding the joints) to reduce inflammation and stiffness.

15. Improves the functions of the pancreas and spleen by increasing the effectiveness of insulin.

16. Purifies the blood.

17. Increases red cell production, and keeps the cells from rupturing.

18. Increases the body's ability to utilize oxygen by raising the oxygen level in the tissue cells.

19. Maintains the balance between potassium and sodium within the body so that the fluid inside and outside each cell is regulated: in this way, cells are nourished with nutrients and are also cleansed.

20. Converts calcium and potassium oxalates into a harmless form by making them solvent in the urine. Regulates the amount of oxalic acid delivered to the kidneys, reducing the risk of stone formation in the gall bladder, kidneys, and/or urinary tract.

21. Protects against toxins entering the brain.

22. Protects the body against radiation and X-rays.

23. Relieves pain, increases the appetite, and provides more energy along with a sense of well-being.

24. Speeds up wound healing by regenerating the damaged area.

25. Increases the production of antibodies like lymphocytes and T-cells in the thymus gland, which is the defender of our immune system.

26. Inhibits (and possibly destroys) benign growths and tumors.

27. Protects the cells against free radicals.

28. Decreases sugar cravings due to better blood sugar control.

This list of health benefits from essiac tea is based on a list from "The Essiac Handbook: Canada's Amazing Ojibway Herbal Remedy That Has Cured Thousands of Cancer, Chronic Fatigue. Lupus, AIDS, and Other Illnesses" by James Percival, copyright 1994.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Essiac-tea-herbal-remedies home page

Welcome! You've come to the right place if you want to learn more about essiac tea and what it can do for you.

We are proud to offer this tea at some of the best prices around, from a trusted supplier whom we know personally and who has been in the business almost fifteen years.

Each batch of tea is made fresh, and hand-packaged and labeled, then sent to you as quickly as possible. Quality product is our first concern.

Emma's got essiac!

Our low price is possible due to the large volume our supplier can produce. We hand-package each order, to be sure it meets your individual needs.

The quality is superb. We use nothing but fresh, organic, North American herbs for our essiac, non-irradiated and free of chemicals and pesticides. The herbs are mixed on a daily basis immediately before packaging.

Our authentic formula herbal remedy contains no additives, preservatives, or other substances, just these eight herbs in a special combination: blessed thistle, burdock root, kelp, red clover, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, turkish rhubarb root, and watercress.

Essiac tea, for those unfamiliar with the name, is an alternative treatment used by people suffering from cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lupus, and other ailments. Essiac tea may also safely be given to pets.

What we now call essiac is first belived to have been used by Ojibwa (Ojibwe, Ojibway) indian herbalists as a "tea of life" to be used for spiritual balance and body healing.

In the 1920's, a nurse in Canada named Rene Caisse obtained the traditional formula for the herbal tea, which she named essiac ("caisse" spelled backwards). The original Caisse formula had only four herbs.

Rene had great success with cancer patients and others whom she treated with the tea, even though the Canadian government tried repeatedly to shut her down. She tirelessly treated hundreds of patients with cancer and other ailments over the years, with encouraging results.

In the 1960's, Rene began work with Dr. Charles A. Brusch (the personal physician of JFK) in Massachusetts. Our formula comes directly from Dr. Brusch.

Rene Caisse worked on and refined the formula over the years until it finally contained the eight herbs you see listed above. Many will say that the four herb formula is the only "true" essiac; however, that is not the case. Neither is it true that the only authentic tea is from Canada.

The eight herb formula comes to you fully blended and manufactured so that the ratios of herbs are consistent no matter what size order you may decide on.

Our tea comes from a trusted supplier who obtained the Caisse formula from Dr. Brusch many years ago and mixes the tea to exacting proportions, every batch.

Try our tea. We want you to be happy, and we want you to have the best. We truly believe that our herbal essiac tea is one of the best products you can find.

I'm following this one!

Nice to know that someone is actually (finally) doing a medical study on essiac.

Eat your veggies!

This is mostly common sense stuff, but still good to repeat now and again.

Keep cancer (and vampires?) at bay...

Monday, April 17, 2006

It's real even if it's not from Canada.

In response to another blog having a similar name, it's simply not true that the only "real" essiac is from Canada. Our essiac made according to the actual Rene Caisse recipe passed on to Dr. Charles Brusch in Massachusetts many years ago. Country of origin is of no significance. Neither is the silly squabbling about the name "essiac."

It's me, but as an avatar...

I don't have a current photo to upload, so here's the next best thing. Actually I think I look better as a cartoon!

What is this thing called RSS?

OK, within the last month I've learned a bit of HTML code (enough to start our website and make it look halfway decent), and within the last week I've learned to set up a blog. It's time to learn something new! This week I'm going to try to figure out what an RSS feed is and how to use it. If anyone wants to give me tips on "RSS for Dummies" please feel free.

I updated our main website last night and included a picture of our daughter wearing our new t-shirts. There's a new section about essiac for pets that I hope you'll find interesting. Two or three new pages should be going up this week, as well.

And I still haven't done our taxes...

Sunday, April 16, 2006


I'm new at kind! More later...