Saturday, July 28, 2007

Who really gets chemo?

"If you have cancer, a big factor in your chemo decision is profit. Medical Oncologists are the cancer doctors that give chemotherapy...

- Bottom line? If your medical oncologist is confident that you can make your co-payments, you'll get the most expensive drugs on the market whether you need them or not."

Read an article from Question Authority that discusses who and who does not receive chemo, and why.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Cancer Myths


Is the risk of dying of cancer in the United States increasing? Can cell phones cause cancer?

The fact that many Americans answered questions like these wrong -- the answer to both is no -- is evidence that many fall victim to prevailing myths about cancer, according to new research.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ojibwe Wild Rice Stuffing

(From, Nov. 23, 2006)

Ojibwe Wild Rice Stuffing

Makes 3 cups, or enough to stuff a 10-pound turkey.

1 cup wild rice from Native Harvest
3 cups chicken broth
1 cup diced celery
1/4 cup minced onion
1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted
1/3 pound mushrooms, sliced
1/3 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sage
1/4 teaspoon thyme

Rinse wild rice in three changes of hot tap water.

In saucepan over high heat, bring the wild rice, and chicken broth to a boil.

Reduce heat and cover. Simmer until wild rice has absorbed the broth, about 20 minutes.

Fluff with a fork and let cool.

In a large pan over medium heat, melt butter. Sauté celery, onions and mushrooms for 2-3 minutes until tender.

Stir in the rice, salt, sage, and thyme. Let cool.

Stuff in the cavity of the turkey, chicken or buffalo roll.

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This coupon expires 7/31/07 and may be combined with our free shipping offer (in the US only) on orders of $60 or more.

Friday, July 20, 2007

It's Not Your Fault

From Barbara Ehrenreich's blog: "What Causes Cancer? Probably Not You."

Even if veggies and smiles don’t cure cancer, aren’t we still entitled to blame some people for their diseases? Lack of exercise and dietary indiscretions play a role in the development of diabetes and coronary heart disease, so we indulge in self-gratifying contempt for the fat lady scarfing down Doritos. But before you rush to judgment, ask yourself: What nutritional alternatives does she have? (And, yes, I know they have “salad” at Wendy’s now, but they don’t offer apples on Amtrak.) As for exercise, gym memberships easily cost $500 a year, and far too many of us are forced to spend 10 hours or more a day sitting in a cubicle, a car or a bus.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

CAM Goes to Med School

While CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) and conventional medicine have long held each other at arm's length, major medical schools have begun to incorporate information about these non-conventional techniques into their curricula. The idea is that doctors need to know about CAM -- if only to keep up with what their patients are already doing to heal themselves.

Read the rest of the Washington Post article here.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is milk thistle effective in cancer treatment?

Milk thistle extract, an herbal remedy since the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans, is today one of the most popular herbal supplements, with U.S. retail sales of nearly nine million dollars.

Read what some researchers are saying about milk thistle and cancer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

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As a thank you for reading our blog, please use coupon code BLOG15 to receive 15% off your order of $50 or more.

This coupon expires 7/31/07 and may be combined with our free shipping offer (in the US only) on orders of $60 or more.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A letter from Loretta

Dear Lisa,
I am a satisfied client of essiac tea and am determined to continue taking it. My story is very long. To make it short and useful for other people, let me tell you that I had breast cancer in 2003 and it was advanced. It was located in two places in my left breast and had already reached the lymph nodes. I had chemotherapy, mastectomy and radiotherapy.

In May last year, the cancer came back, this time in my liver. I was devastated and full of fears of dying. My oncologist immediately put me on a new long term chemotherapy treatment and I tried to keep working as I had done the first time I had cancer. Suddendly, I realized that this time my body was much weaker and tired. My psychological attitude was also less optimistic and I was losing confidence in the treatment and in my capacity to heal.

A friend of mine started encouraging me to read web sites and testimonials of people who healed themselves with alternative medecine. It was surfing that I discovered your site and the essiac tea which became my daily companion. I have been taking the aggressive dose, following your instructions, three times a day during my whole chemotherapy treatment. Now I finished the clinical treatment and have been without chemotherapy for more than five weeks. I have kept taking the tea, diminishing the dose to one cup a day, and my blood tests and scanners have shown that cancer is dying.

My doctor had intended to start a new localized treament on the liver which I feared, but in front of the results, he has decided to call it off . Now he gave me a new appointment for the end of August because he said he wants to be really sure that I am doing fine, but I feel that I will be.

I believe that essiac tea has been one strong reason for my recovery. I have also stopped working and dedicated my entire time to heal. This time, I spent every day doing relaxation exercises, deep breathing and making serious decisions to be well, love my body and life, and gain new energy through being creative. I went back to paint and write. Thanks my new daily rhythm, I was able to respect the timing for taking essiac tea, which is two hours after eating, three times a day.

Following this regular discipline has also helped me abandon stressing and toxic habits and remember that my body needs special attentions. I have learned, through this experience, to live with passion and to find peace.

This new awareness has become like a second skin. One year from now, I will be celebrating my radiant health with people I love. Essiac tea will be my guest.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my story with you.

Loretta R, France

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Essiac worked for Molly!

A letter we got yesterday:

beautiful Nell 99
Dear Lisa (Essiac Tea),
Appreciate the opportunity to tell you how pleased, thankful and optimistic I am since using essiac tea for my "baby". Since she was diagnosed with Insulinoma (malignant pancreatic cancer) I have been administering essiac tea in Molly's food. Molly is a 13 year old West Highland White Terrier and the joy of my life. I was told by several vets that she would not live more than a month or two; that was nearly six months ago. She is doing remarkably well. Has more energy, a great appetite and started chasing squirrels again. Most amazing was the total disappearance of a growth on her face just below her eye. She developed a lump on her face which grew slowly over the past two years. It didn't just shrink, it disappeared. Her nose was beginning to show suspicious signs of the initial stages of cancer as well. It was scaly and filled with mucous. Her nose has completely cleared up too. Essiac tea was recommended by a woman who overheard me telling a friend about Molly's dire prognosis. She told me that her vet had prescribed essiac tea for her dog and it worked miraculously. Having almost lost all hope and not getting much encouragement from my vets, I decided to give your essiac a try. Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers and the makers of essiac tea.
Yours truly,
Fred Feldman
Head Men's/Women's Tennis Coach
Bard College

Coffee & Liver Cancer

Can coffee reduce the risk of liver cancer? According to findings published in the medical journal Gastroenterology it can.

Read more about it on The Cancer Blog.