Monday, February 19, 2007

Watercress new hope in cancer fight

Watercress, the leafy green vegetable favored in salads and soup, could be promoted to the rank of a superfood alongside broccoli, blueberries, dark chocolate and baked beans, with new research suggesting it can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Read the rest of the article here.

(Watercress is one of the ingredients in our eight-herb essiac. it is not present in the four-herb formula.)

1 comment:

Marc said...

Just went through a bunch of your posts on your blog. Great job. Tons of great information. I've been interested in Essiac for years and have tried two different brands: Native Legend Tea, and the Flora Essence.
I became convinced that Flora had the best product after the research I have done but it sounds like you also have a top quality product. Your integrity comes through in your web page and your blog.
I'm looking forward to trying your product.
Ontario, Canada