Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Essiac-tea-herbal-remedies home page

Welcome! You've come to the right place if you want to learn more about essiac tea and what it can do for you.

We are proud to offer this tea at some of the best prices around, from a trusted supplier whom we know personally and who has been in the business almost fifteen years.

Each batch of tea is made fresh, and hand-packaged and labeled, then sent to you as quickly as possible. Quality product is our first concern.

Emma's got essiac!

Our low price is possible due to the large volume our supplier can produce. We hand-package each order, to be sure it meets your individual needs.

The quality is superb. We use nothing but fresh, organic, North American herbs for our essiac, non-irradiated and free of chemicals and pesticides. The herbs are mixed on a daily basis immediately before packaging.

Our authentic formula herbal remedy contains no additives, preservatives, or other substances, just these eight herbs in a special combination: blessed thistle, burdock root, kelp, red clover, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, turkish rhubarb root, and watercress.

Essiac tea, for those unfamiliar with the name, is an alternative treatment used by people suffering from cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lupus, and other ailments. Essiac tea may also safely be given to pets.

What we now call essiac is first belived to have been used by Ojibwa (Ojibwe, Ojibway) indian herbalists as a "tea of life" to be used for spiritual balance and body healing.

In the 1920's, a nurse in Canada named Rene Caisse obtained the traditional formula for the herbal tea, which she named essiac ("caisse" spelled backwards). The original Caisse formula had only four herbs.

Rene had great success with cancer patients and others whom she treated with the tea, even though the Canadian government tried repeatedly to shut her down. She tirelessly treated hundreds of patients with cancer and other ailments over the years, with encouraging results.

In the 1960's, Rene began work with Dr. Charles A. Brusch (the personal physician of JFK) in Massachusetts. Our formula comes directly from Dr. Brusch.

Rene Caisse worked on and refined the formula over the years until it finally contained the eight herbs you see listed above. Many will say that the four herb formula is the only "true" essiac; however, that is not the case. Neither is it true that the only authentic tea is from Canada.

The eight herb formula comes to you fully blended and manufactured so that the ratios of herbs are consistent no matter what size order you may decide on.

Our tea comes from a trusted supplier who obtained the Caisse formula from Dr. Brusch many years ago and mixes the tea to exacting proportions, every batch.

Try our tea. We want you to be happy, and we want you to have the best. We truly believe that our herbal essiac tea is one of the best products you can find.

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