Saturday, April 29, 2006

Old Ontario Remedies

In July 1991, the Canadian Journal of Herbalism published an article, "Old Ontario Remedies," about essiac. The article gives specific information on the ingredients of essiac and includes descriptions of the herbs. Sheep's sorrel, for example, is a folk remedy for tumors.

The article also warns of high oxalic acid content in two of the herbs making the remedy not recommended for persons with kidney ailments or arthritic conditions.

This article concludes: "Essiac is not a hoax or fraud. To hear experiences described by the patients themselves cannot help but convince observers that dramatic and beneficial changes definitely took place in many but not all those who received the remedy. Although the focus on essiac has been as a cancer treatment, it alleviated and sometimes cured many chronic and degenerative conditions because it cleanses the blood as well as the liver and strengthens the immune system."

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